Some forms of body art are still moderatly mild, such as body painting. Body painting can be permanent or non permanent. Tattoos have become more and more popular, especially with youth. Often tatoos can come from tribal influence, mauri and henna being forms of this. Some cultures even scar themselves for beauty.

Body art isnt necessarily worn on the outside of the body. People experiment with the inside too. Cosmetic surgery, could be considered a form of this. Cosmetic surgery is usually done out of vanity, not to make a statement. There are exeptions though, as some artists consider transforming the body in this serious way, a matter of transferring their idea or conception. Orlan, is a performing artist. Her work is based on transforming the body during surgery. She records live footage, the process of the operations, the journey. Through this Orlan also deals with feminist issues and the appreciation of the human body.

'Body Worlds', an ongoing collection by Dr Gunther Von Hagens. He blurs the usualy firm line between science and art. His work is supposidly for biological research, for other people to view first hand. Hagens uses bodies that have been donated to him, for his experimentation. There have been disputes as to whether this alegation if ligitamate or not. His research of the body has to be taken out in China, as it's the only country it's legal to do so. His end result of work, is generally about the layers within the body, and the function of these layers. It's not for the squeemish!
Using the body as a canvas can often be linked with performance art. As performance art is usually done so in a drama form, having the body exaggerated, sculpted or decorated adds to the performance of that person. Media is often used to record the evidence of body art, whether it's the process or just the end result.
Body art is lifechanging, and must be very important to someone, to have it on their body, a constant reminder, a permanent fixture. People do often live to regret the changes they apply to themselves, often done in youth and nievity. Body sculpting is a serious commitment, and one I've never shared much interest for. I have never been so fond of something, that I've been prepared to live with it for the rest of my life. This is could change though.
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